Welcome to Tabler Documentation
Tabler Docs provides a comprehensive guide to help you get started with the Tabler ecosystem, including its UI components, plugins, and icons. Explore detailed documentation to understand and leverage the full potential of Tabler in your projects.
Find all the guides and resources you need to develop with Tabler and our other tools. Explore our UI components, icons, illustrations, and email templates to enhance your web development experience. Our tools are designed to be easy to use, customizable, and fully responsive, ensuring that your projects look great on any device.
UI Components
Free and open source web application UI kit based on Bootstrap
5826 pixel-perfect icons for web design and development
65 customizable SVG illustrations for your web project
Comming soon
Email Templates
80 responsive email templates ready to use in your marketing campaigns
Comming soon
Package of over 100 avatars for your next web project
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